Take that Challenge On!

   Take that Challenge On!

Have you ever thought how do I become a better person? How do I grow into that person I admire? Let me tell you that you learn through trials and challenges, you grown from those challenges. How do you become a stronger person? How do you gain the strength to stand up to your demons and carry on? We go through challenges and we take them as a challenge. We all go though hard challenges, believe me I know. If you have any question about that read the other posts. I understand what it is like to have to press on, thinking no one understands and that life if though. Let me tell you how I have gotten over my challenges. I hope this helps you like it helped me.

1) Acknowledge that fact that you have a challenge or trial

Acknowledging that you have something going wrong in your life helps you cope with what you are going through. It helps you understand in your mind that you aren't crazy. But that something is wrong and needs attention, something physically or a problem that can be addressed. When you can address it you can move forward. You maybe thinking how do I do that? Well what I do when I feel off or that something is wrong, I sit and think through each fase of my life and evaluate. Sometimes we ourselves can't see what is wrong but if we ask for help other's usually can see it before we can. 

2) Not letting yourself brush off the problem

Once you know what is bothering you, it tends to help me to write it down or ponder on it. Why is this bothering me and how can I help the situation. Sometimes we can't fix it but we sure can help the situation, through our attitude. With the right attitude we can accomplish anything. But, wait!, don't let your self stop there and think you are done. You now have to put that into action.

3) Follow through and learning from it

Following through with your plans and what you have decided to do is one of the hardest things to do. Believe me I know. Remember writing down that thought? Act! the best way to get over what ever stress that is ailing you is to act. Put that plan into action and get it done. This step may be the longest and the hardest step but it will help you feel better. But you can do it! This is also a big learning step. This is when you can stop and think what can I learn from this. Turn that negative to positive by learning from every mistake or challenge. Just because you have challenges doesn't mean your a failure at life. I believe it is the opposite, that it is letting you know it's time to learn some more. Take that challenge as a challenge.

4) Letting yourself heal/relax

After any hard situation you have to give yourself a break and let yourself heal a bit. This is when the spiritual side of me is nice to have. Finding a stress relief, something to take your mind off life. Mine is to read the holy scriptures and ponder on life. Sometimes just going up into the mountains with clean air and no one around can help you clear your head. Breathing is a good one for this too. Let your self mentally let go of the pain or stress.

I want to give you an example of of my everyday life. 

I was going through life with my everyday routine, trying to keep up with my busy schedule. I was obsessed with making sure I had the best grades in my classes. I put in extra hours of studying trying to be what I thought was me best. After two semesters of a big class load and two jobs I was starting to get burnt out. Thinking that I wasn't doing good enough. I was starting to not sleep well, get frustrated easily and being short tempered.

I came to the realization that something was something was wrong. I was very unsure what was going on, I sat for hours trying to figure out what was wrong. I still couldn't figure it out. That's when I went to my roommate and started talking to her. I slowly admitted to her that something was off in my life, I asked her if she could help me. Knowing that when someone else looks into your life they can help you by see things that you can't.

That's when she admitted that I have very low confidence in myself in my grades. My work ethic was good but when it came to grades it was off and I felt as though I had to try extra hard. I then was able to realize that I was putting extra stress on myself for this. That is when I admitted that it was a problem.

So instead of brushing off the fact and falling back into the routine I took my roommate's advice and started to slow down. Putting the plan into action was hard because I kept wanting to fall back into my routine over and over again. I fell and crashed a couple of times. But knowing that life is hard, I picked myself back up and kept going. I found a new routine and have been able to keep out the old one.

Instead of getting frustrated with myself every time I fell into the old routine I looked back and took what I have learned. Taking the hard things and learning from them helped me the most to forgive myself for falling down. I always look for new ways to learn from each situation. This gives me the peace of mind I need to let myself relax and move forward.

Most important thing to remember through any challenge........DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!! You got this, you can keep going on, no matter how hard life goes, anything is possible when you believe.

Written by Just An Ordinary Girl whose is striving to be Extraordinary, and so can you!


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