A Little Prayer Can Go A Long Way

A Little Prayer Can Go A Long Way Have to you ever had the thought to stop your day and just thank the Good Lord that you are alive and surviving life? That little nudging in the back of your mind and heart that you need to slow down to give the creator some of your time? Or the thought that maybe you should be a little more careful in life? I have on many occasions. I have always tried to respond to these thoughts quickly or disaster can hit, or just a bad day. I never know what will happen next in life, and these promptings can really help me. This day was no different......a little prayer can go a long way. It all started on a hot July morning. I was talking to my mom and the idea hit me to drive out for the long weekend. I didn't have class or work so why not go and be with my family. It had been a while and I missed them dearly. After I hung up with a excited mom, I started to pack for the drive. I had to finish some homework and go to work then...